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Stand up Against Prop A00722

A NYC assemblywoman just released a potentially harmful bill during regular sessions of the NY State Assembly. Without going into too much detail, you can see that below, this bill will prohibit or put serious restraints on field trials. For your information the bill is cosponsored by 11 members of the NY Assembly, all members of the democratic party from the greater metropolitan area save one from Cortland as well as a lone republican. 

As sportsmen, it’s important that we stand up to the constant attacks on our way of life. Unfortunately it seems like it always comes from the city, they don’t understand our culture or the lifestyles of those people who don’t wish to spend all of their time in the concrete jungle. This bill will be damaging to our sport, our culture and to the breeds of dogs we love. It’s a classic slippery slope. This isn’t the first time they have tried this one and it won’t be the last. 

Now more than ever is the time to make your voice heard. Write letters or emails to your local assembly representative, you can find your district according to the NY assembly district map below. Let them know you do not support A00722. I have been vocal about this on facebook and it’s receiving good feedback, let’s keep the ball rolling and stand up for what we believe.

Click to view Districts Larger

As mentioned before, this isn’t the first time they have tried and these attempts gain more steam each time. There are facebook groups and internet petitions on fire about the topic. One anti-contest group on facebook has over 6,500 vocal followers. The anti-hunting lobby is in full attack mode. There are currently almost 250 bills sitting with the Environmental Conversation Committee in the 2019 sessions alone.

We must acknowledge that not all of those are negative, but many are. Some examples are Bill A600 which would prohibit the states participation in pheasant propagation programs and close the current rearing sites. Bill A95 Which would require gun owners to purchase liability insurance. A286 which gives tax credits for adopting animals, The A527 Crossbow bill that’s getting a lot of hype, S447 related to cutting skidder trails, A3730 which is a huge one for those of us hunting with dogs, we can talk about that one later. The list goes on and on with bills you should oppose or support.

Write your letters now and make a difference. My own assemblyman has responded to me already letting me know that he will vote against it. Lets get all of our representatives to do the same. I have included an attachment link for a draft letter which you are welcome to download, edit, and use for yourself. If you want to look up bills you can visit the following link.




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